The region between Slovenia and Greece is facing an unprecedented attack of greed; hydro lobbies together with foreign investors and corrupt local politicians are trying their best to built 3.000 dams and destroy what is left from European wilderness.
This is an environmental and cultural catastrophe with little or no benefits for the local communities. Balkan River Defence and its annual Balkan Rivers Tour is one of the biggest river conservation projects in Europe, an activist campaign and kayak expedition.
It connected all the regional NGOs, local initiatives and concerned individuals into a crew that has a common goal of condemning greed, resisting apathy and defending wilderness.
Find out more about the problem here:
BRD Fb: www.facebook.com/balkanriverdefence/
BRD Website: https://www.balkanriverdefence.org
The visual identity consists of an X sign in the form of a dam. It communicates resistance and the death of a river. It’s designed to function as a stencil for spraypainting. It is slowly becoming an international sign for anti–dam movement. Important part of the identity are the illustrations. The main one is a shepherd a collage that consists all of the types of national costumes and colours from the 6 countries where the tour took place. It has become their mascot.
Photography by Jan Pirnat, Miha Avguštin, Matic Oblak
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